How to Make Your Next Road Trip Fun for the Whole Family


Planning a getaway can be both fun and challenging, especially with kids involved.  As we prepare for fun days on the beach, or out on the trail, we oftentimes forget about planning for the many hours spent traveling to get there, and how to handle downtime. Without strategies to keep everyone happy and entertained, you might find your road paved with frustration and tension. To keep everyone’s spirits up during the trip, here are a few tips to try when traveling with kids.

Travel by Night

The longer your road trip, the more likely your children (and even the adults) can start feeling restless. A great strategy to follow when planning a road trip is to start sometime in the middle of the night. If you play your cards right, your children will be asleep for a great portion of the trip, leaving only a couple of hours you’ll need to keep them entertained. Traveling by night will help you avoid traffic delays, helping you get to your destination sooner with less hassle. Just ensure you are well-rested, and before you hit the road, Parents recommends giving your vehicle a thorough going-over and reviewing these safety precautions to avoid mishaps.  

Plan Evening Relief

Do you have a full travel agenda?  When your itinerary is jam-packed through the day, the evenings can feel like a bit of a let down, especially for kids.  One way to offset boredom is with a few well-planned, entertaining distractions.  

For instance, downtime goes faster and feels lighter with a streaming stick.  At the end of an adventurous day, everyone can sit back and stream shows, so they’ll be rested and recuperated for the next day of fun.  Another idea is to bring along some printable travel games, or have your kids add a few appropriate apps to their phones or tablets.  There are wholesome options out there to help ease stir-crazy times and help maintain a positive, fun atmosphere. 

Pack Healthy Snacks

We all get hungry while on the road, and oftentimes, the only food available is greasy fast food and gas station snacks. Healthline explains these foods are not the best for wellness, and can lead to upset stomachs, headaches, and sour outlooks.  That’s a bad combination at any time, but especially on vacation. To offset munchies, prepare snacks to keep bellies full and happy, and to keep minds sharp. 

Instead of loading up on unhealthy meals during travel, prepare quick, portable, wholesome meals and snacks for your family. PB&J sandwiches, raw veggies, chunks of cheese, and wraps all make great options for a family on the go. Don’t forget some crunchy treats that are healthy but not messy, so you can steer clear of chips, candy, and other foods with empty calories.  

Prepare Games to Play

There are bound to be dull moments for your children along the way, and a trip that lasts more than an hour can seem like an eternity to a child. There are lots of classic games families can play right in the car, like I Spy, The Alphabet Game, or Road Trip Bingo. These games can keep your children actively engaged for long stretches of time and help cure mid-trip boredom. What’s more, it’s big fun to play together, and will start you on the way to making memories. 

All of these strategies can help everyone in the family make the most of your next road trip. Plan entertainment to ease restlessness, pack some healthy snacks for the road, and review safety measures before you go.  Thanks to your preparation, everyone can stay safe, positive, and make the most of every moment on your adventure.  

Photo Credit: Unsplash